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Sicherheit und Ihre Zähne
Zahnunfälle können oftmals verhindert werden — besonders, wenn Sie wissen, worauf man aufpassen sollte. Diese Tabelle kann Ihnen dabei helfen. Tragen Sie die speziellen Bereiche ein, von denen Sie wissen, dass sie gefährlich sind.

Mögliche Gefahrenbereiche in meiner Umgebung
  • Halten Sie Kinder dazu an, rücksichtsvoll miteinander umzugehen, und erinnern Sie sie freundlich daran, zu warten, bis sie an der Reihe sind.
Auf Treppen stürzen
  • Sorgen Sie dafür, dass die Kinder sich nicht gedrängt fühlen.
  • Erinnern Sie Kinder daran, das Geländer zu benutzen.
Stürze mit dem Fahrrad und von Spielplatzgeräten
  • Sicherheitsregeln durchgehen
  • Sichere Benutzung zeigen
  • Sorgen Sie dafür, dass die Geräte altersgerecht und in gutem Zustand sind.
Rennen mit Gegenständen im Mund
  • Erstellen Sie zusammen eine Liste der einzigen Dinge, die man in den Mund stecken sollte, und bebildern Sie diese zusammen.
  • Hängen Sie diese in Augenhöhe der Kinder auf.
  • Ermahnen Sie die Kinder zu gehen, nicht zu rennen.
  • Räumen Sie Spielzeuge, Materialien und Ausgeschüttetes beiseite.
Autounfälle (plötzliches Bremsen)
  • Immer Sitzgurte tragen
  • Geben Sie Kindern Sachen für Rollenspiele.
Auf harte Gegenstände beißen
  • Erstellen Sie eine Liste all der Dinge, auf denen man nicht kauen sollte.
  • Ermuntern Sie die Kinder, die Liste zu erweitern, sobald ihnen etwas einfällt.

Wussten Sie...?

  • Die vorderen Schneidezähne sind die Zähne, die am häufigsten durch Unfälle beschädigt werden.
  • Zähne und Zahnfleisch im hinteren Mundbereich werden meistens durch Kauen an Bleistiften, Eis oder das Knacken von Nüssen verletzt.

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Copyright ©2012 Colgate-Palmolive Co. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items